If someone tells you there's no other form of life And you believe in that too. I'm gonna tell you 'bout the other night I swear that true. A cloud of white and green and flying ships I've never seen Came into my view. Was I frighted was I scared Was I thrown into confusion. As they glided down so silently It wasn't an illusion. Oh no doubt about it. Oh no. No doubt about it. What kind of magnetism kept me in this place Was it out of my control? What was this ship from out of space? What was the creature that appeared before my eyes? Was it good was it evil On this ship from other skies? I was frighted I was scared I was thrown into confusion. As they stood right there in front of me What can they be no illusion. Oh no doubt about it. Oh no. No doubt about it. Stood right there in front of me What can they be no illusion. Oh no doubt about it. Oh no. No doubt about it ...