this nation, of idiots, do you see? the best they can do for us is... nothing! your dumb, open your eyes the governament, he does nothing to you, nothing for your best he takes you head and say: one,check,test like a microphone wrecked the police, dominating, the streets, with your, violence, with your, inconpetence but they say for us in us backs: "i dont care of this people anormal" but they constroys bombs, and they are normal! nations sucks! (they constroy our lifes) nations sucks! (they constroy our idiot laws) nations sucks! (they constroy our fear) nations sucks! (they constroy our car... nations sucks! the same way they constroy our war!) the money, controling all of us controling the cities and givin me scars... the parents, HAHAHAHA nothing to say! they can do nothing for kids of today no one can do something... just sit, and pray but they say for us in us backs: "i dont care of this people anormal" but they constroys bombs, and they are normal! nations sucks! (they constroy our lifes) nations sucks! (they constroy our idiot laws) nations sucks! (they constroy our fear) nations sucks! (they constroy our car... nations sucks! the same way they constroy our war!)