
More Than You Can Chew


Perhaps the best known Irish March, The March of the King of Laois, forms
the basic melodic structure of this song - a warning to Maeve from
Cu Chulainn.
People say you're dressed to kill.
You're not a girl to come on slow.
Once you get the bit between your teeth
You don't feel like letting go.
But before you hit off
Let me say you've bit off
More than you can chew.
I recall just how you laughed,
And you tried to make a fool of me.
How you thought you could get away
Without me knowing is hard to see.
Though things may look doubtful,
You've got yourself a mouthful
More than you can chew.
You can give me back my pride
And I will trade you all that's due.
Cos like a spider I'm creeping back
Gonna spin my web all over you.
And if you take it in haste
You're gonna waste
Aah you can't taste
More than you can chew.