I've forgotten who I am I'm sick and weak and fresh from sleep I crawl from a crooked bed with dirty feet and shaky hands the numbers on the clock read one-one-four-oh- ay em I've got tyme to clean myself then sell my soul again when I sleep I dream I dream I am awake or was it when awake I dream I am asleep I work I shit I eat I sleep I'm inspected by the number 7 this can't be my life no this isn't me I don't know whats beset this change I barely recognize my own face in my mind somethings just not right but in my heart I'm bathed in golden liiiight BATHED IN GOLDEN LIGHT! BATHED IN GOLDEN LIGHT! my eyelids still heavy my pulse still faint I'm puzzle pieces- my memorys stained I feel strength swell ----a day dream i'm shaking under this duality ------------- my pulse still faint I hear a strange voice but don't know what it's saying AND IN THIS MOMENT seconds stop and I BURST with clarity a wealth of love and hate-- gone blank for I finally remember MY FUCKING NAME! I EAT ROCKS AND I BREATH WIND I'VE BEEN AROUND THE WORLD AND BACK AGAIN I've lost the static and the grey is gone I've got the power of A MILLION EXPLODING SUNS!!!!! I AM CONSUMED BY MY MIGHT BLINDED BY LIGHT AS I WOULD BE IN NIGHT THIS VOID IS HOLDING ME TIGHT IT DOESN'T FEEL RIGHT when will I ever break FREE within or without I'm chained by the dream THE VOID IS HOLDING ME TIGHT IT DOESN'T FEEL RIGHT when will I ever break FREE within or without I'm chained by the dream the void and the light are both me IT DOESN'T FEEL RIGHT bright lights flood my eyes it's true now i realize the perilous truth of a perilous life by my own device the strength of my high is the strength of my low unless theres no me they both they both explode