You did not beware Or behave before the west had closed you in You had waved your arms to And allowed the Californians win You had hung nights with high holding Skies were more than blue But it's hard to feel more than nothing If you grow long into You were caught by connections of sin Skin, you have no skin You lost and I win You had lost your friends by division now You've kicked out all your kin Has it been all paid the balance in songs? It's not make belief they would like us to leave It's that time arriving, she had no realising Even while the wren flew out of sight Open up here, over your roof The shadow will end There's no news for you And the neighbour you knew who was proud The neighbour you knew who had run Even cross You did not beware Or behave before the west had closed you in You had lost your friends by division now You've kicked out all your kin Believe, believe your friends Believe before the west had closed you in But hasn't it all paid the balance in songs? Let's not make believe, they would like us to leave It's that time arriving, she had no realising Even while the wren flew out of sight Open up here, over your roof The shadow of it There's no news for you And the neighbour you knew who was proud The neighbour you knew who had run Even cross (And the neighbour you knew who was proud The neighbour you knew who had run)