VERSE1 You don't agree with what comes out my mouth. It strikes you as quite offensive. The mere thought that you are just an animal nothing special too leaves you apprehensive. I've read the books the ones you claim are true again unlike you all the refutations. Dismiss out of hand all that disagree with what you preconceive as true revelation. CHORUS I'm-A-Smug Know It All. You-Say-Smug Know It All. I'm-A-Smug Know It All. You-Say-Smug Know It All. VERSE2 The possibility is so minute you see that I could ever be right you guarantee. Arrogance that seethes condescension breathes ignorance it breeds cries hypocrisy. Reminding constantly I don't know everything insist emphatically that I know nothing. You cannot concede my validity consequence that be could prove devastating. VERSE3 Cascade effect ensue threaten your worldview so precious little few belligerent reaction. I seek the truth follow evidence through set your faith askew is not my intention. Curiosity dies in the face it flies to the death deny any contradiction. Go ahead be right what gets you though the night a superfluous fight your smug satisfaction. CHORUS You-Say-Smug-Know-It-All. You're-A-Smug Know It All.