Few'd have guessed such quaint allegiance, side by side Roman and Goth Once cruel foes, now bound as brethren Such the twist their fate has wrought A Destiny Emblazoned Now unravels near its end Perched upon the hills of Chalons Aetius' troops prepare for war Their number pales next to the splendour Of Caesar's Proud legions of yore Few they seem Against their foe - horsemen counting thousands strong- Neath the banner of Attila, gathers fierce and mighty throng Hordes of Franks ride with the steppesmen Rending havoc Throughout Gaul "The Scourge of God", A wolf Amok Makes a feast On poor sheep's souls Rome's sweetmeats Ripe for the taking (an ill Empire Cannot stand) Twixt such fate Stood strong Aetius Of Rome's Dead Kin The finest man Last seed of a nation's Splendour whose stones stood on fratricide, Aetius Thwarts Rome's foreseen Ruin Driving off [the] Barbarian tide The Huns charge uphill Deep into roman ranks The Gothic Allies Flail deep Attila's flanks Fate smiles to Rome The field is theirs this day The battle turned The Huns driven away Such carnage wrought On the field rot man and horse Among those to mourn Lies Theoderic's shattered corpse To the old gods Prayed Aetius (for such a grace renewed his faith) By his hand an Empire saved -at least reprieved- of grim fate But such is rome fhat an emperor quite less grateful than one'd think Paid his deed With a stabwound Thus in infamy Rome would sink As throughout its history Rome ate its own kin. As their last spark of Honor Fell neath grievous sin Their destiny emblazoned Now moves towards its end: From the East countless hordes Upon Rome Descend...