Bright as the Sun in the Heavens Thus shone Rome in her Prime From Iberia to Hellás Rules an Emperor Divine Celtic Gauls, once Proud brittons All Bend knee 'ere the throne Wherein rules [the] Holy Genius Praised in the Emperor of Rome Yet a looming whisp of a cloud Shrouds this Empire's noon Soon this genius begat such insanity Augury of its Doom Here a man sings ill verse to a crowd After burning their homes There some other heeds solemn advice From his favorite horse Black as a Moonless Welkin Was this Empire's Heart Legions Raze the lands of the East Tearing kingdoms apart Babylon, Alexandria Once proud realms of their own Now their heads bow in Homage To Rome's Laureled Crown Yet a looming whisp of a cloud Shrouds this Empire's noon Soon this genius begat such insanity Augury of its Doom One in skins would parade as if Hercules Came to Earth in his form Yet another turned fools into martyrs By the deeds of his scorn Almighty enthroned madmen Revered as gods made flesh Brought Rome's splendor to the ground Its name in foul deeds meshed Treachery and war Corrode Rome from inside The Once spire of the world Now sinks deep in the mire Men seen as Gods In their madness take toll: A nation's own soul Burning high in a pyre The Once spire of the world Now sinks deep in the mire An Empire tumbles down As Dementia Wears a Laurel Crown Dead as the cultures they trampled was this Empire's soul New blood tainted with folly (Long since gone was the old) Now the eagles are fodder Upon which wolves predate Doomed [and] bereft of it's glory ROME WILL FADE!