Tom: E Tuning: half step down do, but this is very very close. Guitar 2 rhythm one ^ ^ eb|-------------------------------| Bb|-------2h-2h-2h-2h-2h-2h-2h-2h-| Gb|-----2-2h-2h-2h-2h-2h-2h-2h-2h-| Db|-2-4h--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--| Ab|-------------------------------| after three times, occasionally the last Eb|-------------------------------| chord is held. Guitar 2 rhythm two eb|----------------------------| -------------------------| Bb|--2-2-2-5-5-5-2-2-2-2-2--2--| -------------------------| Gb|--2-2-2-4-4-4-2-2-2-2-2--2--|x3 -4-4-2-4-4-2-4-4-2-4h-/6-| Db|--0-0-0-2-2-2-4-4-4-2-4h-4--|then -4-4-2-4-4-2-4-4-2-4h-/6-| Ab|----------------------------| -------------------------| Eb|----------------------------| -------------------------| Guitar 1 part one eb|------------4-5h-4--------- ---------------| Bb|--------5-5---------5-5-5- x3 then------------2--| Gb|-----2--------------------- ---------2--2--| Db|-2-4h---------------------- ---2-4h-----0--| Ab|--------------------------- ---------------| Eb|--------------------------- ---------------| Guitar 1 part two e|-------------------------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------------5-----------| G|-----2-4/6-4-4-2-4/6-----2-4h/6-4\1/2------2-4/6--4-1/2-4-2--| D|-2-4h----------------2-4h------------4-2-4h------------4---4-| A|-------------------------------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------------------------| Song formation: Guitar 2 rhythm one x3 alone, hold last chord(clean) guitar 2 rhythm one x8, hold last chord,with guitar 1 part one x2 both clean guitar 2 rhythm 2 x1 alone (clean) guitar 2 rhythm 2 x1 (clean) with guitar 1 part two x1 (dist) guitar 2 rhythm 1 x3 then guitar 2 rhythm 2 alone x1 both clean guitar 2 rhythm 2 x2 (clean) with guitar 1 part two x2 (dist.) guitar 2 rhythm 1 x8 (dist) play -----2 -2-4h- then guitar 2 rhythm 2 x4 (the last two times with a solo over it, a solo which I am too lazy to tab) That's all folks. | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note ===============================================================================