Kings of the earth A new dawn approaches You’ll be persuaded by silver tongues Promises of peace and healing A holy union your promised prize No, it’s all a lie Evil lurks A wolf in sheep’s clothing This surely is your demise But do not fear for evil will not overcome Behold the seven signs The words of false prophets They speak of wars and rumors Of coming times Many will fall As the earth shakes with anger And famines run wild The torment of the chosen ones And a new proclamation Abolished, the sacrifice No holy place, no altar to speak of Kneel, before the throne A false king now sits No more, this too shall pass Look to the sky, the clouds are parting Behold, the power and glory A new king descends to claim his right Destroyed, the days of old The wicked one, and those in his counsel Rise, the earth anew Free from the shackles of evil that bind us