Originality is overrated If something's good it shouldn't matter if it's new So why do people get so aggravated When someone sounds a lot like other people do? So take me to another time Where plagiarism ain't no crime We've got a right to join the fray Though we've got nothing new to say Nothing new to say You can be Oasis and I can be Green Day Nothing new to say, nothing new to say The Beatles and the Buzzcocks have already had their day They've got nothing new to say Well there's nothing wrong with imitation It's the sincerest form of flattery, I'm told So then why does it cause such consternation When something new sounds just like something else that's old? You know the rules as well as me Each time you hear the chord of E You know what's coming up is A Because there's nothing new to say Nothing new to say Tons of bands sound just like us across the USA Nothing new to say, nothing new to say So listen to the masters and acquire all their habits And if you're lucky you could be another Lenny Kravitz Are you gonna go his way? He's got nothing new to say We've all got nothing new to say Nothing new to say I make fun of others but I'm just as bad as they Nothing new to say, nothing new to say So listen to your favorite bands, assimilate their highlights And if you're lucky you could be the next Stone Temple Pilots It made them what they are today There's just nothing new to say Nothing new to say Nothing new to say