My love is a telephone Your love is an answering machine Try to get a dial tone Your call cannot be completed as dialed My love is a leaf of spinach Your spinach is a pot of tea I can't find the coffee grinder Could I just have a glass of milk? Let me count the ways that I loved you Let me count the ways that you hurt me Let me count the times I still think of you I count eighteen thousand forty three One for every minute since you left me Your love is a broken record My love is a broken CD It's part of a new boxed set It's been digitally remastered My love is a tube of toothpaste Your toothpaste is a great-tasting gel You should really floss more often Squeeze tube from bottom and flatten as you go up Let me count the ways that I loved you Let me count the ways that you hurt me Let me count the times I still think of you I count eighteen thousand forty four One for every minute since you walked out that door I hate the bridge I hate the bridge I hate the bridge I hate the bridge I hate the bridge I hate the bridge I hate the bridge I still love you My love is an empty blackboard Your love is a pile of chalk You come in many different colors I think I lost the eraser My love is a order of fries Your ketchup is way too thick Hold the bottle upside down I don't see fifty-seven varieties Let me count the ways that I loved you Let me count the ways that you hurt me Let me count the times I still think of you I count eighteen thousand forty five One for every minute since you said goodbye