So you've got to go... go... gone This surge has taken, Destined to bestow... Get Over Here. Cold morning wrapped in shivered silence. I hear the fountains pour and I'm reassured. Alive, before I forget to remember. Final Round. Salt water swallow choke my lung, Cough out blue tears in the company of none, All drunken eyes, raining just like the day I heard of, Your devastating acceleration. Rain kept hitting ground I drown. My head is in the cloud. And I am soaked right through, Gotta dry these dripping clothes, Or else every hand I shake, Will catch these dripping blues, Gotta dry these dripping clothes. I've got to get out these dripping clothes... We're staring into a void that seems to be everywhere, Between the skyline, down to the sea. Shine your distant rest anaesthetised, Finish Him. Sun's gone to plan for a better day. Sun's gone to plan for... Fatality. Flawless Victory.