Home Video

I Can Make You Feel It

Home Video

She said she doesn't like it here, left everything back home
She was lost and bitter, broken and alone
She said she drinks too much, to make the nights go by
She was barely conscious, breathing through a straw
She held my hand and kissed my lips
She begged me to help her feel

And I said
'I can make you feel it'

She said she was a person before they brought her down
She was better than this dark relentless town
She had another lover who kept her in a cage
She had sold her future and buried who she was

And I said
'I can make you feel it'

"Oh to touch the people, to really feel them"

I can make you feel it

Ela disse que não gosta daqui, deixou tudo em casa
Ela estava perdida e amarga, quebrada e sozinha
Ela disse que bebe demais, para fazer as noites passarem 
Ela mal estava consciente, respirando através de um canudo
Ela segurou minha mão e beijou meus lábios
Ela me implorou para ajudá-la a sentir

E eu disse
"Eu posso fazer você sentir isso"

Ela disse que era uma pessoa antes que a derrubassem
Ela era melhor do que esta cidade escura e implacável
Ela tinha outro amante que a mantinha em uma gaiola
Ela havia vendido seu futuro e enterrado quem ela era

E eu disse
"Eu posso fazer você sentir isso"

"Oh, tocar as pessoas, realmente senti-las"

Eu posso fazer você sentir isso