If you search for friendliness It might be hard to find But for now, it's how we have to live Don't you try to second-guess 'Cause you might just lose your mind Instead consider the alternative Quarantine Is such a lonely word Everyone is feeling blue Quarantine Is hardly what's preferred And mostly what I need from you Stand six feet from anyone When you fraternize And don't forget to cough into your sleeve Better yet use Skype or Zoom To help you socialize Just stay home if you don't have to leave Quarantine Is such a lonely word Everyone is feeling blue Quarantine Is hardly what's preferred And mostly what I need from you Can't find toilet paper, can't find groceries Thank God for Domino's and Amazon deliveries The only thing that comforts me is to lather, rinse, repeat with soap With soap When I'm binging Netflix Don't be too concerned No, it's not the only thing I do I get Disney in the mix And the TV gets a turn HBO, Prime Video and Hulu Quarantine Is such a lonely word Everyone is feeling blue Quarantine Is hardly what's preferred And mostly what I need from you