Holy Moses


Holy Moses

Falling through shades of this deception
Realities collide these poor elusive lives
Evading the conflict and smiling in pain
Ypu swallow the truth to spit the lie

Cogwheels of deceivers clockworks of lies
The grief you pour in wine the pain you serve in blood
Stunned by your halo poisoned by intrigues

One curse to this God to whom we prayed
One curse to this king to whom we paid

The gardens that wither of gluttony's greed
The hunger we suffer you're holding th seed
Blindness is sacred ignorance is bliss
You lie on the tide you drown in the waves

Cogwheels of deceivers clockworks of lies
The grief you pour in wine the pain you serve in blood
Stunned by your halo poisoned by intrigues

One curse to this God to whom we prayed
One curse to this king to whom we paid
One curse to this land that we died for
One curse to us for sheep we were

By day and by night we are weaving
The shroud of your downfall the flag of our rising
We weawe into it threefold curse we weave, we weave
We weave into it threefold doom we weave