The height of cold war The Soviets crossed Panj. The Yankies' wargames Teasing the bear. "Queen Of Sky" is doomed Cruel plan or mistake? The work is done by Machine of war... Don't you fear while we are living. Impossible to run from fate. We will stay ourselves forever, Being victims of the hate. No escape, no hope, no meaning - If your got unlucky dice. If nonsense of the politicians Claims the human sacrifice... They shift the blame Some still think - it's rot. Who here is guilty, A token coin... But we all know To blame is no one. But guilt remains For everyone. From raging skies There're falling the angels. Beyond the clouds summits Don't cry. Playing with lives, Intending invasions. Empires collapse, Turn into dust... From wrathful skies Once fire, then manna. No matter - non- belief or Your faith... This game - is only parts of the System... This is the key to see Our hate...