Up to your throat in obscenities Swimming in a sestpool Of his filthy fucking lies It'll take a lot to pull you out But I've at least got to try His words fall on deaf ears They suck the joy from your life He thinks he's got all the answers But not this time [Chorus:] Go ahead And make fun of somebody's son That's afraid to go home today Take his change Call him names T'hats the least of his concerns Have you ever wondered Why he's so quiet? Speaking up at home Makes him a fool and a liar Show us your true colors And quit playing your fucking games Leave your mask behind I've never once seen your true face Even actors drop their character When they walk off the stage Drop your act You're not fooling anyone I hate your guts You're going to loose your only sons [Chorus:] Go ahead And make fun of somebody's son That's afraid to go home today Take his change Call him names T'hats the least of his concerns Have you ever wondered Why he's so quiet? Speaking up at home Makes him a fool and a liar I've watched his promises fall apart No surprises from here on out When I see you In the same place as me I can't help But could've done this sooner Lift your chin up and rest easy I'm by your side [Chorus:] Go ahead And make fun of somebody's son That's afraid to go home today Take his change Call him names T'hats the least of his concerns Have you ever wondered Why he's so quiet? Speaking up at home Makes him a fool and a liar [4x:] A fool and a liar