Schools ain't teach us shit, your teachers lie They don't care about kids, they want us uneducated It is easier to control, if you don't know how to read Write or speak, as long as they want us to be Illiterate Stupid scum Wasted youth and young lives How can we go in their schools? Where knowledge is meaningless Where a few ones and these are scum Take young lives in their hands and waste our souls Waste our time, use our happiness Give us nothing back and take us to hell Schools ain't teach us shit, we know they lie Teachers don't care about kids, waste has been done WE - WANT - MORE, WE NEED OUR TIME, WE'RE STILL YOUNG, WHERE - IS OUR HAPPINESS? WHAT A FUCK YOU WANT FROM US, WE KIDS ARE TRUE YOU'RE HEARTS ARE FUCKING HOLLOW, WE CLAIM OUR RIGHTS BACK