OK, one, two, three, four I have seen the sleeping knights of Jesus Gazing out across the open sea I have seen the sleeping knights of Jesus And they look extremely tired to me Dying of starvation in the gutter That is all the future holds for me Or alcoholic poisoning in the toilet of my choice That's all there is as far as I can see Fried to death in seconds by the Russians Or if you're lucky, just a sudden stroke A lingering death from fallout As your teeth and hair fall out And certain death from cancer if you smoke But I have seen the sleeping knights of Jesus Gazing out across the open sea I have seen the sleeping knights of Jesus And they look extremely tired to me Put your faith in God, He won't expect you Put your faith in death because it's free If you believe in nothing, honey It believes in you For God's sake, don't waste any faith on me When He comes to judge us in His glory Then we'll see how old a man can get He must be feeling ancient up there On the rim of space Two thousand years and He ain't been back yet But, I have seen the sleeping knights of Jesus (Rub their eyes) Rub their eyes and gape at what they see I have seen the sleeping knights of Jesus (And it looks as though) And it looks as though they've noticed me And it looks as though they've noticed me