Uh huh it's the plague Gonna kill you in a few days A pandemic so severe The black death caused such horror and fear And there ain't no cure for that girl You'll be dead in no time flat girl You'll get acral necrosis From the yersinia pestis And it makes your tongue all black girl Gonna bury out in back girl Oh ooh, fleas on rats, fleas on rats Oh ooh, fleas on rats, fleas on rats Oh ooh, fleas on rats, fleas on rats Oh ooh, fleas on rats, fleas on rats Started in china, don't know how But the mongols used biological warfare At kaffa hurled the italians at geonesse The italians fled back to sicily And in 1347 The black death said hello to europe In infected fleas From port cities along trade roads Buboes swelling in the nodes And it spread real fast like that girl Better flee when you see a rat girl People livin' for the now, bro Like that book by boccaccio Oh you could be a flagellant, girl Flog yourself till your repent, girl Oh ooh, fleas on rats, fleas on rats Oh ooh, fleas on rats, fleas on rats Oh ooh, fleas on rats, fleas on rats Oh ooh, fleas on rats, fleas on rats 5 kilometers a day And in 5 years Killed two-thirds of the population Some blamed the lepers or jews Did they poison the wells? It led to peasant revolts Loss of faith And some serious persecution People carried out patches of herbs To protect them from the smell Doctor's didn't know what caused it Bolt your door if your family's afflicted Bodies in the cart girll Skeletons in the art girl But the decreased population Led to amelioration Of the peasant folk, hey They could ask for more pay Oh ooh, fleas on rats, fleas on rats Oh ooh, fleas on rats, fleas on rats Oh ooh, fleas on rats, fleas on rats Oh ooh, fleas on rats, fleas on rats, (let me hear you say) This plague is bubonic B-you-b-o-n-I-c This plague is bubonic B-you-b-o-n-I-c This plague is bubonic B-you-b-o-n-I-c This plague is bubonic B-you-b-o-n-I-c A pandemic so severe The black death caused such horror and fear And there ain't no cure for that girl You'll be dead in no time flat girl You'll get acral necrosis From the yersinia pestis And it makes your tongue all black girl Gonna bury out in back girl Oh ooh, fleas on rats, fleas on rats Oh ooh, fleas on rats, fleas on rats Oh ooh, fleas on rats, fleas on rats Oh ooh, fleas on rats, fleas on rats