Ooo ooo ooo Ah ah ah aaah (x2) Aaaah ooooh (x2) Aaaaaaaah I don't like how (??) up on me, up on me I don't like the way they roll on my sleep, on my sleep I don't like the feeling that i've lost something i used to have I don't like the feeling that i've lost it to another man I don't like to be attached I don't like how or what are you, what i see, what i see I don't like this notion that it's killing me, killing me I don't like the feeling that i've lost something i used to have I don't like the feeling that i've lost it to another man I don't like to be attached Ooo ooo ooo Ah ah ah aaah (x2) I don't like the sound of glass that's breaking free, breaking free I don't like your beauty mask, it's scaring me, scaring me I don't like the feeling that i've lost something i used to have I don't like the feeling that i've lost it to another man I don't like to be attached I don't like how (??) up on me, up on me I don't like the way they roll on my sleep, on my sleep I don't like the feeling that i've lost something i used to have I don't like the feeling that i've lost it to another man I don't wanna be attached Like to be attached (x4)