
Walk With Death


Just like walking through a morgue 
A sight you’ll never forget You are lucky, you know, to be alive 
Count your blessings you bastard, before you die 
WALK WITH DEATH You will live 
WALK WITH DEATH You will die 
Their faces turn pail white Their names are tagged on their toes 
Thrown into a body bag They leave this earth when they die 
WALK WITH DEATH You will live 
WALK WITH DEATH You will die! 

…(Spanish) Hesto es en recuerdo de nuestros hermanos y 
hermanas. Que no hestan aqui, pero nunca os olvidaremos 
y nestais en nuestros corazones y vidas para siempre. Y no 
hos olvidais que hos queremos mucho. …Hos tenemo en 
nuestros corazones para siempre… 

(English) This is in rememberance of our brothers and 
sisters who are no longer with us. We will never forget 
you. You will be in our hearts and our lives forever. And 
never forget that we love you very much. …You are in our 
hearts forever…l 

WALK WITH DEATH (DEATH) You will live