Hillsong Music Australia

Welcome In This Place

Hillsong Music Australia

Tom: C

Intro: C  Csus4  C  C  Csus4  C 
C    Csus4  C   C    Csus4  C 
Holy Spi - rit, Holy Spi - rit 
 F         F/G           C 
Comforter, Counselor here 
C    Csus4  C    C        Csus4  C 
Holy Spi - rit, sent from hea - ven 
     F         F/G          C 
The God of all glory is here 
    A/C#            Dm 
Rise up within me, Living Water 
A           Dm7   C/E  F  G 
Spirit of God   in   me 
        F                    G 
You are welcome in this place 
        F/A                  G/B 
You are welcome in this place 
       F                     G 
God of power, love, and grace 
     F   G  F/A  G/B  C  Csus4  C 
saturate my soul 
C       Csus4     C   C      Csus4   C 
Closest friend, here in Your pre - sence 
   F           F/G            C 
is fullness of joy overflowing 
        F                    G 
You are welcome in this place 
        F/A                  G/B 
You are welcome in this place 
      F                   G 
Holy Spirit, guide my way, 
     F   G   F/A  G/B 
saturate my soul