Imagine how sweet would be music without haters Hater, we feel your breath at the back of our heads We've been drifting for ages, but no one can decide what's best for us We've been driving in circles Liar, every word that comes from your mouth is as shittier as the next So sad that for you all comes down to this, you're so sad Imagine how sweet would be music without haters Everybody else would be singing along Lover, all we are we owe it to you Even if we are nothing In the end remember us with a smile Shut up! where will you be playing tomorrow? Me and my friends marked your town with a bottle Will you forget about me? I will forget about you Will you forget about me? I will forget about you Imagine how sweet would be music without haters Everybody else would be singing along Imagine how sweet would be music without haters Everybody else would be singing along