Hillbilly Hellcats

Double Time

Hillbilly Hellcats

Once upon a time at the hepcat lounge
A band from out of town came in to play
Hipsters drove their rods from miles around
Thinkin' they could swing the night away

With pompadours and tatoos they were lookin' fine
And all the cats and kittens stood to dance
But everything they played they played in doubletime
Those cats and kittens didn't stand a chance

Faster and faster they rocked the night away
Those rockabilly cops had nothin' nice to say
But they couldn't stop the cats with the beat gone astray
When they shook up the town on that psychobilly day

In just about ten minutes then the song was done
Then they played another like the last
Only one difference i could hear
Each new song they played was twice as fast

They said 'scuse us if you thought we were a dance band
We don't really mean to rag and diss
But rockin's much more fun when you're in doubletime
And we don't care if you can't dance to this

At the end of the night they had a big fight
While the jukebox played that song yeah right
The gear was destroyed the band unemployed
They barely got away in the middle of the night

But i can still remember at the county line
They leaned out the window and they yelled
"youhaven't rocked until you've rocked in doubletime
So all you swingin' cats can go to hell