It's a terrible drive when the clock strikes five and I'm a comin' to a traffic jam ahead Gettin' madder by the minute while i'm sittin' right in It at a traffic light that's always turnin' red Well i'm a' honkin' my horn, cussin up a storm, Cause you cut me off and passed me on the right And you better not linger when you're givin' me the Finger And if we stop there'll be a fight I'm in a road rage, on a rampage Yeah my neck's turnin' red and my foot's gettin Heavy on the gas It's the last stage, of an outrage I'm a half a foot behind you so you Better turn your wheel and let me pass I'm a' startin' to worry goin' nowhere in a hurry And now my exit's comin' up ahead Better move over rover- my temper's takin' over Cause you havent heard a single thing i said But if you wanna spar step on out of that car And we'll have a nice friendly little chat I'll hit your wheel hub with my golf club And you'll reply with a baseball bat