Highwater Rising

Life In Three Parts

Highwater Rising

She could climb from her window 
over to my house 
we would hide up in my room 
where she'd feel safe for awhile 
keep the windows open for the blue skies 
she'd say even if it rained 
she kept hers wide 
in case her parents ever called her name 
and she only told me the truth 
when we were on the phone 
she liked to change her name 
she liked to think of stories 
about places we'd never been 
she always made me believe 
I loved everything about her 
and she was in love with me 
why'd she have to go 
her mother was to good for her 
her daddy wasn't ever good enough 
and through the years of fighting 
they never noticed how much she grew up 
when I last saw her at the corner of two streets 
she looked tire like she might do something rash 
she got a job saved some money 
bought a car and she never looked back 
and I always thought that 
I could be the one to make her stay 
she liked to stay out late 
drinking and acting crazy 
though she was just waiting 
and I'd try to hold her hand 
tell her I understood 
what I could never understand 
why's she have to go