How can you call yourself a genius? Your confidence provokes my doubt. You turn my notions all inside out. Misleading pun... So miscellaneous... [CHORUS] Jeer... The logic knot defies solution, The masterpiece that you ignore... Lampoon... From academic and classical to folklore World art in material sphere, From positive image to its primitive forms - "Creative Grotesque". It's so weird for you and too late to revise the outdated views... Looking through a prism of practical criticism, your position is just a fake, last attempt to not make mistake. Looking through a prism of practical criticism, your position is just a fake, better way to make mistake. [END CHORUS] Prejudiced critic, not so brave, refuses to notice somebody else's success A free artist or "Mental Labour Slave"? Vicious criticism and moral regress... Jeer... [CHORUS] Activity, constructive unrest, global design, inspiration is evil jest. Absolutely zero is everything you wrote, you have no poison, but you have antidote.