I am absolute corruption. absolute corruption. I am the power that sways. i am the beast that's in human nature I am the masonry of greed. Tease me. please me. don't believe me I will suck and fuck the very heart of you.. in tattoo Need me. bleed me. don't believe me I will separate every fucking part of you into two Wanna be a mesquite Wanna be a mesquite Wanna be a mesquite I am absolute corruption. absolute corruption I am absolute corruption. absolute corruption Kiss me diss me. did you miss me? Did you hang my picture on your bathroom doom? my favourite whore Eat me. beat me. you complete me I will grow and know to hate you more each day. in every way Wanna be a mesquite Wanna be a mesquite Wanna be a mesquite Mercenaries and prostitutes we are Extortionists and capitalists we are Fuck me.