Captain Haze has lost his heart a thousand years his ship departs Can't believe we trusted those hours of conversation Captain Haze is lonely Captain Haze is lonely Feeling rather bored and overboard Feeling rather lonely in his little cabin all alone Captain Haze has lost his heart a thousand years his ship departs Can't believe we trusted those hours of conversation Can't believe you lost control a hundred ships out on patrol Can't believe we trusted the pointless conversation Captain Haze is feelin he is rather lonely he must take his life in his hands Mustn't tell the others what you know Suddenly they took him in his weary moment in his little cabin all alone so far from home Captain Haze has lost his heart a thousand years his ship departs Can't believe we wasted You must not take their lives for granted you must not tell the others Can't believe we struggled through pointless conversation Captain Haze is lonely feeling rather lonely Feeling rather bored and overboard Captain Haze is lonely feeling rather lonely now!