Hidden Chronicles & Stellar Fires Hearken! An owl that shriek'd was to give a fearfull night whose ebon embrace enshrouds the contours of the scenery. To bring the counterfeit of death, a gruesome Gorgon to destroy the sight. O seeling night, scarf up the tender eyes of pitifull day... And with thy bloody and invisible hand cancel and tear to pieces that great bond! And I, evok'd by the moon's eclipse, to stand aye acursed in the chronicles. Fallen like the brightest one - to walk upon infected soil... Die Nacht verhüllt des Tages Angesicht, verdunkelt wird des Waldes Laub. Es erliegt des Abends schwaches Licht und dunkles Nachtgetier erwacht zum Raub. "Where hast thou been, o weird eminence? Creator of the crystalline artefacts, hast thou handeled thy virtue to rise? Verschlossen... in des Äthers sternumglänzten Eis!". Making war with the children of mankind - oft'ner upon their knees than on their feet, dying every day they live, floating on towards their very end.