
Mea Culpa


Fuck, it’s all my fault
Men lie, kill and destroy
Then say I whispered in your ear
To justify insane acts

With the instinct of an animal
Exterminate helpless nations
Enslavering people for being the same
Envy and hate feed their hearts

I’m here
Sitting and busy
With a crowded reign
Fuck! I have better things to do!

They take away your money and life
And build gargantuan temples
To sell a pint of faith
Turning you into a puppet

They painted me in various shapes
But nobody knows my real self
I’ve been given many names
It gets me lost…

Now I’m here
Thinking about the shape of thinks
I’m so fed up
I’ll leave all this shit behind

I wanna see
How they’ll deal with it
No one to blame me…
How is it gonna be?