


grow grow little sunflower/plant grow
grow grow little plan grow
reach your leaves up to the sun
'til the growing is all down
grow little sunflower grow

grow grow little sunflower/plant grow
grow grow little plan grow
reach your leaves up to the sun
'til the growing is all down
grow little sunflower grow

Cresce cresce pequeno girassol, cresce
Cresce cresce pequena plantinha, cresce
Deixe suas cores brilharem com o sol
Cresça bem alto
Cresça pequeno girassol, cresça

Cresce cresce pequeno girassol, cresce
Cresce cresce pequena plantinha, cresce
Deixe suas cores brilharem com o sol
Cresça bem alto
Cresça pequeno girassol, cresça