Fuck what big government says should be Fuck media fear mongering Fuck propaganda and thought control Thoughts none but my own Who do i trust? well, you tell me In this rat race of insanity Born to consume Playing a role Stuck in a lifelong swan song Now it is time To kiss your ass goodbye If they won't let the sheep be free Kill the shepherd for victory Victory! Three cheers for anarchy, anarchy! Hope and gentle anarchy Are things that keep me free Free from banality Disposable mediocrity and the drug tv Information censor free Just do it Do it eternally You're right to question authority Don't be gentle with me Three cheers for anarchy, anarchy! If you can count to three, You'll love this anarchy , anarchy Put your hand on your heart Scream after me Gentle anarchy! Now i know how i ended up here, I took their piece of shit for real Now, i don't, care, about ¤"#¤ Your time has expired Anarchy Slaughter tyranny with gentle anarchy Gentle anarchy!