Mr brown: lemon and lime Turn of the time Or five for a couple of bob. Good for a cold You'll never grow old For wheezing there just the job. Around the corner In the market square Thats the spot to make your pitch. Around the corner Put your barrel there That the place where you'll get rich. Carrots and spuds Jeffers and bloods They're lovely, ripe and sweet. Let it out loud Pull a big crowd To value they can't be beat. Around the corner In the market square Thats the spot to make your pitch. Leck: around the corner Put your barrel there That the place where you'll get rich. Pippens with pips These are the tips On how to make punters punt Keith: give them a schpeal Polish the peel And put the good one's up front. Around the corner In the market square Thats the spot to make your pitch. Mr brown & keith: around the corner Put your barrel there That the place where you'll get rich. Mr brown: peas in their pods Never lay odds Mr brown & barry: aware of the golden thumb Mr brown: press down the scale You'll go to jail The costomers are tom thumb Everyone: around the corner In the market square Thats the spot to make your pitch. Around the corner Put your barrel there That the place where you'll get rich. Mr brown & karl: play it my way Make the game pay Tell them what they want to hear Serve with a smile Cut for the pile After you've sold the idea. Mr brown & herman: lemon and lime Turn of the time Or five for a couple of bob. Good for a cold You'll never grow old For wheezing there just the job. Around the corner In the market square Thats the spot to make your pitch. Around the corner Put your barrel there That the place where you'll get riiiiich.