Suzie G was the kind of girl that you'ld see on the street so neat so nice so sweet well she was brought up to believe that the only thing in life was to achieve she worked real hard, studied all time till one day came around when she realizes that she wasn't getting peace of mind and how could she get out the rest of her life. She was obsessed with the things that her parents said. Her papa bought her everything that money could buy but in the end he was left wondering why, what was is that I did so wrong Suzie, Suzie? What was it that you really wanted? What was it that you truely needed? Why couldn't you tell me what you feeling? Why couldn't you talk to me? Life is not a human race no need to keep up the pace don't hide out to protect yourself cos in the end there's no one else. Mary Jane had one aim in mind and that was to leade a dancers life she'd gone to classes since the age of five now fourteen her figure was making her uptight her dreams began to shatter all around distorted thoughts in her head despite everything that her mama said she pictured herself in the latest magazines looking like model feeling like a queen but when she would get up off of her bed look into the mirror the image said ... what ever made you think you could look so cool, so chic, so slim, you fool?