I am a wanderer Following a hidden path Known only to those Who have not forgotten the world that was I envisage vast wilderness A sacred realm Unspoiled by modern man My path is lined with ancient alders They lead me through Black moors and misty fields I learned to think like a mountain I learned to speak a language older than words I learned to see with eyes unclouded by greed Bow down to gaia Bow down to mother earth My goddess, she in her I trust My fortress, my hightower My shelter, my shield My eternal love And my one true home In my dreams I behold A world falling apart Not a single black wolf Is preparing for the sacred hunt A white stag is bleeding out Far from the forgotten glade In my dreams I behold A world falling apart Here is nothing But eternal silence No birds are singing No seeds are sprouting I hang my head in shame Is this the bitter truth? Do I secretly wish for the death of man? My goddess, she in her I trust My fortress, my hightower My shelter, my shield My eternal love And my one true home Bow down to gaia Bow down to mother earth