A flock of birds ascends as the dreamer awakes I behold without breath a world ablaze The wooden halls stand in flames The mountain fortress crumbles The pantheon of oak is under siege My mouth is filled with ashes Every breath tastes like defeat I flee in search of shelter Towards the mountain peaks I leave this ravaged land I retreat to contemplate Where I can become one With mist and snow With wind and stone I ride on the back of the last of the black wolves I bring with me the antler of the last of the white stags I seek counsel with the spirits of the wild Residing in the ruins of melting glaciers high above A feral force shall gather Stormclouds herald the way A thawing glacierheart Starts beating for the last time The spirits of the night shall enlighten the darkened sky As the wild hunt heads for the world of man Within the forge of progress Ancient forests vanish I grieve for the scalped hills As the glacier's heart falls silent The white stag won't ever reach the forgotten glade All that is wild and free will die on this fateful day Everything of beauty Everything worth living for Will be engulfed by flames Will be consumed by machinery I shall perish, fading ghostlike into the night Desperate yet knowing that my sacrifice was not in vain So I shall perish, leaving this world forever Desperate yet knowing that I brought twilight into the world of man