Oh man, I can't believe the things I said to you I must have been out of my mind Desperation crept in from all the things I've kept in I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself I can tell by look in your eyes that you think I'm a fool It's alright, it's too late to turn back now I'm throwing these lines out I'm throwing my line out Hoping you'll bite and drag me in with you I go so low until I see It's when I hit the bottom I know for sure It gets so pathetic when you're lonely that you'll do anything I can't believe what I've become The things I say and do Loneliness will make you throw your sense away Here I am trying to get through Feeling so small Running my mouth at you I'm feeling strange like a stranger I'm here but I know I'm out of there As close as I get is so far away Am I coming off like I'm crazy? My lack of pretense too intense? Am I telling you more than you want to know? Oh man, I can't believe the things I said to you I must have been out of my mind Landing hard on a Saturday night Walking down walked on streets Looking through the windows at good time shows My loneliness, how it hurts and how it shows