I go to die, Yeah, i'm falling hard. Oh,oh,oh I go to die, I am crumbling, tonight. Today is cold, strange night. I'm alone, tumbling Rooftop. Ja my tears are blood. Where am i? The stars have fallen from my sky, The sun no longer warms me. I'm in the dark Falling hard. I to wake up that Nightmare! My heart is crushed. I paid no attention To reason, and me Screwed. I went against my principles, I let myself be carried away by a Feeling. And now i'm sinking This repentance. As people say, Repentance is killed, 'd be dead. Therefore proclaim: I'm going to die! Tumbling from the top floor, Collapsing as I was Of sand. The world throws at me. I was hit in the chest. Forgive me By my Humble existence. I'm dying ... (chrorus) I go to die, Yeah, i'm falling hard. Oh,oh,oh I go to die. I am crumbling tonight. Forgive me By disappointments. I could not stand So much pressure! Gave importance to I thought Was important And not to what actually Was. God forgive me! I was weak, i admit I was wrong. Forgive me! I do not want This is how all Time, I make the same mistake! I will change this time! I want to be proud of, Deserve one Look. God, i love you! I want to die All And only live for you. I can not stand Falling on his face and Make the same mistake. Say goodbye to everything I'm going to die ... now. 'll pass phase, I will not return to Darkness .. Vai hurt me, but I am determined. (chrorus) I go to die, Yeah, i'm falling hard. Oh.oh,oh I go to die. I am crumbling tonight. I go to die (3x) 1,2,3 ... I'm renewing ... I died!