
The Last Rites Of Edward Hawthorn


Amongst the graves I saw the rites of life
I've searched the world to find the girl that's right
You are the one
The time has come
The stars are perfectly aligned this night

Beauty fatal came back to life from death
I won't forget the mystic words she said
It has begun
You are the one
You shall bring back my love to me this night
Now you die

Come, my sweet
It is time you take your place on the stone
Your body shall be host to her soul

Time to meet
The mistress of all that you'll know
Your blood drawn by sacred spikes of gold

The rites within the Book of the Dead
Bound by bloody human flesh

Life leaving
The virgin's body naked and bled
As the ancient spell is read

From death to life
Like the last time
Blood pouring out of her eyes

Then she did rise
Evil at my side
Mistress of my own demise

Magikal rhyme
Brought me my bride
Now it is time that I die

I will not fight
Possess my mind
Give unto me my last rites

From death to life
Like the last time
Blood pouring out of her eyes

Then she did rise
Evil at my side
Mistress of my own genocide

Magikal rhyme
Brought me my bride
Now it is time that I die

I will not fight
Possess my mind
Give unto me my last rites