By the fading light of day, on bended knee I pray I summon the gods of war, for strength and power From blackness I was born, I ride upon the storm Dark blood runs through my veins, I have no mercy By the carnage of my steel, I taste the smell of fear My hate will scorch the earth, I kill with power You die by my command, the slaughter of the damned Your blood seeps in the ground, and death will take you Thunder and steel, violence unleashed On with the slaughter, death and torment Power and glory, vengeance unleashed The rise of the tyrant, into darkness Gods of thunder, forged in fire Boiling metal, rising power Hail to the warlord, march or die Crush the enemy, rising power Thunder and steel, violence unleashed On with the slaughter, death and torment Power and glory, vengeance unleashed The rise of the tyrant, into darkness Gods of thunder, forged in fire Boiling metal, rising power Hail to the warlord, march or die Crush the enemy, rising power Gods of thunder, forged in fire Boiling metal, rising power Hail to the warlord, march or die Crush the enemy, rising power