Breathe, be still, be free I was too lost in the way that others perceive me To remember that being oneself, is supposed to be easy So it resulted in embarrassment mostly Socially uncomfortable, verbally clumsy It’s a young man’s farce, slowly, but by and large Everything would change with the rain in bang saray We are born and raised as cattle to be the same But we are not the same, we have to change And if we don’t, we’ll suffocate Won’t we? The world has changed I awaited poise and autonomy Assured that it would come to me A matter of chronology And I guess, looking back on those years I didn’t know what was wrong with me Go on and let yourself bruise We all need to learn how to lose We are born and raised as cattle to be the same But we are not the same, we have to change And if we don’t, we’ll suffocate Won't we? You’re not angry cause you’re not listening We are not the same, we have to change And if we don’t, we’ll suffocate Don’t wait One never reaches home until kind paths intersect And then the whole entire world Will change itself to look like them For every altruistic, solicitous man and woman that I've met It was my distinct pleasure to have met you And to have shaken your hand You will never be forgotten You’re each part of who I am Your kindness Mother, won’t you forgive me? And father, won’t you listen to me? And brother, can’t you hear the sound? The march of time draws closer now We are born and raised as cattle to be the same But we are not the same, we have to change And if we don’t, we’ll suffocate Won't we? You’re not angry cause you’re not listening We are not the same, we have to change And if we don’t, we’ll suffocate Don’t wait