Slip into a comforting comatose of judgement that directly festers your drive no tears no guilt just acceptance and you wonder why you'll carry this on your back until the day you die help me fix this give me a quick fix nothing's going to fix this something's got to make this last the problem can hold you back your cry for help is an empty one ha! believe me you want it take it but you're too proud take it or leave it quiver as you will but what will it take to make you stand stand take a fucking stance and remove all your mand made contributions Of course The first instinct is to feed the wound well here's your epidemic help it spread just another steaming pile of victimization funny, what you see as a victim I call a catalyst the eye of the beholder has been stricken blind now you see all your allies have gone and all that's left is a pathetic insatiable lust I have seen this before You have done this before What had you done before Peace be not with you You've dubbed yourself helpless Don't call me with your empty cries Believe me when you want it take it! you're too fucking proud I guess you don't need it quiver as you will I don't care anymore just stand stand take a fucking stance and remove all your man made contributions I have seen this before You have done this before What had you done before Fuck peace Fuck guilt Fuck you Feed me