Behold - in dream apocalypse all satan's kingdom come The dawn of doom in wrath entombed, let souls in fire be one Beware deceitful daughters, sinful sons of abraham For calamity will catch you and despatch you if it can Fear you God, as God is your fear - the end is nigh Through this gos, this God of fear - we sin here, then in fear we die Deniers of divinity who refute the 'perfect mind' In valley of temptation, whe the blind have led the blind In heresy - in blasphemy - in apostasy will burn In escasies of agony as the horned beast returns The book of revelation - this book of hell From days of old the tales unfold, the end ov days compel The lessons they taught us, have just sold and bought us Our fate debased by supplification, the faithful needs must fear Above a blood red sea a blood red moon will rise The sacrament shall feed the sacrifice Deus quaerit solum ulciscendi God. Judgement. Heaven. Hell Friends of futurology, supersessionist and all Who gave you new theology you impressionistic all Does it please you, appease you, does it vindicate your state? Will you kiss the whore of babylon as the seventh seals your fate? Fear you God, as God is your fear - the end is nigh Through this gos, this God of fear - God sins here, then in fear we die