"Dearly beloved brethren, we are gathered here this night In the sight of our redeemer and our saviour Jesus christ With his divine permission we this mission shall fulfill And together on unholy paths deliver us from evil..." Force-fed on religion from the day I took my name Branded as a player in their superstitious game The preacher's words were frightful tools which I remember well "Repent ye sinners now or you will surely burn in hell" The pleasures and sensations and temptations of the flesh Damned my heart with guilt thus I was driven to confess On bended knees I bowed and prayed to save my mortal soul To rid me of corruption and depravity untold Deliver us from evil No angelic voice came singing In my head was only ringing The torment was no omen, either hell or heaven sent The mocking peals of laughter were the sound of common sense "Dearly beloved brethren, we are gathered here this night In the sight of our redeemer and our saviour Jesus christ With his divine permission we this mission shall fulfill And together on unholy paths deliver us from evil..." Perhaps I'm being stubborn, perhaps it's only pride Perhaps belief within myself forbids belief outside Perhaps one day I'll see the light, disclaim this evil blight Armed only with the gospel sword to fight the holy fight Forgive my declination of your loathsome invitation I shall seek not my salvation at the heart of your domain I fear not intimidation of your threats of reprobation Nor dread incineration should I worship not your name