Shape-change king of strange, I dwell in the shadow of the monster A gun to the head, a knife in the back, beware of the creature in black Mind control monster show, together I walk with the devil Teaching me daily the art of disguise, my dear master of compromise The shadow is growing in me, the monster is now eating me It’s a curse! It’s a curse! Day by day it’s getting worse I ‘m living in the shadow of a monster Like a bird without wings I’m a puppet on a string And I’m living in the shadow of the monster – in me Foul dark carnosaur eating my flesh from the inside Offerings for the devourer of minds, a fictional version of our human kind Bloodshed here we go! I feel like living in a freak show Destined to act in an infinite play where all the characters I do portray The shadow is growing in me, the monster is now eating me It’s a curse! It’s a curse! Day by day it’s getting worse I ‘m living in the shadow of a monster Like a bird without wings I’m a puppet on a string And I’m living in the shadow of the monster – in me And it feels alright – to embrace the fright The horror and disdain are just part of this game No more lashes no more strings, I can now get back my wings And be in full control of myself and what life brings The shadow is growing in me, the monster is now eating me It’s a curse! It’s a curse! Day by day it’s getting worse I ‘m living in the shadow of a monster It’s a curse! It’s a curse! Day by day it’s getting worse I ‘m living in the shadow of a monster Like a bird without wings I’m a puppet on a string And I’m living in the shadow of the monster – in me