Aging children say, give your life away. It's truthful I talk, I don't play I live for today, It's useful. In an ancient time For a magic crime She rode the sun up to the sky "How'd we get so high?" Aren't I soft enough for you? I was getting off just being rude. And if there's some kind of party, won't you call me to go? I'll be on top of the mountain that's covered in snow... Come on, feel my pain, does it fall like rain inside a plastic skeleton, where we play our game? The ball shoots up and then falls down, and cannot be found, while the world is deep in space revolving round. From the way that you said it I could tell that you lied, and in the month of September, I heard we died... and when they opened their mouths they were all black inside... coming out of the mountain on an ancient ride.