Descent of misery Decay of humans Defective in spirit Fail of mankind In this decadence I'll stay here infinitively, Waiting for the dying of the glory I touch the sides of the sky with my freezing hands Dancing with lifeless clouds of doom I renounced to every raining day, to every moment alone In this decadence I'll stay here infinitively, Waiting for the cure for the ruin And I touch the sides of the sky with my freezing hands Dancing with lifeless clouds of doom I renounced to every raining day, to every moment alone And I'm crying and praying to the light I never forgot I'll never betray I believe in someone who carries the Weight of the world upon his feet, In someone who takes the reins without fear, Without compassion I can't do anything for you, not even for myself In these descending cities there isn't a true humanity In which to believe in, in which to trust in Don't mourn for your family but for the air you're breathing, For the blood it's flowing inside you, You're the only important one I forgot this decadence infinitively, Waiting for the cure for the ruin And I touch the sides of the sky with my freezing hands Dancing with lifeless clouds of doom